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The Senders
Performance by Stav Yeini, 2019.

The Senders by Stav Yeini is an immersive, multi-sensory performance. Through a sensorial choreography of sounds, smells, images, alchemical processes and indirect touch, the work emphasizes inclusion, empathy and a profound listening to non-human life forms. In this way it wants to bring about an evolution towards a sensory way of knowledge production and the possibility of a new world beyond the economic and ecological crisis.

Concept, Choreography Soundscape Stav Yeini 
Space design, interactive installation Nimrod Astarhan 
Video Siet Rae/ Eva L’Hoest 
Sound facilitator Christina Vantzou 
Alchemy of scents Ayin De Sela 
Fermentation Andrew Hardwidge 
Dance, performance Mikko Hyvönen, Ezra Fieremans, Alice Van der Wielen-Honinckx
Supported by Buda Arts Centre, STUK, workspacebrussels 
Thanks to Rasa Alksnyte, Linnéa Martinson, Joeri Thiry, Noam, Anat, Arad, Nektar Yeini, Yaelavan Dagan.
In Slow Spatial Reader: Chronicles of Radical Affection, edited by Carolyn F. Strauss, and published by Valiz (Amsterdam) in Summer 2021, I contribute with a chapter called "Space as Atmosphere: Floating in a Molecular Bath".
In this essay, I share my recent research on atmosphere, slowness and perception, starting from a testimony of my experience with Stav Yeini's The Senders.
Slow Spatial Reader
"Space as Atmosphere: Floating in a Molecular Bath"


© Julie Calbert

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